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  • Writer's pictureITATRA NGO

International Day of Light 2024: light in our lives

The day of 16th of May has been inaugurated by UNESCO as a day to celebrate the International Day of Light (IDL). It marks the anniversary of the day when Theodore Maiman, an American physicist and engineer, fired the first laser successfully in 1960. The IDL aims to promote light-based technologies and raise awareness of their importance to changing our daily life for the better.

This year, with the education outreach grant from SPIE and the fund raised at the Ravinala Airports Madagascar, ITATRA organises an event for the celebration of the IDL. Many people in Madagascar are still unaware of what a light-based technology is and its potential to improve their life, notably in healthcare. Our activities are mainly focused on activities with the microscopic world. This event will run from May 16th and will close on June 22nd. It is distinctly divided into three parts.

May 16th: [Opening event] Science Open Day at the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) of Antananarivo.

This Science Open Day will be open to undergraduate and postgraduate students and lecturers in science education of ENS. There will be hands-on activities with Foldscope Instruments and openUC2 during this day, as well as talks on the technology of light and the reality of teaching STEM field in Madagascar. The schedule of the day is elaborated as follows:

  • 09:45 – 10:00: official opening of the IDL event

  • 10:00 – 10:45: talk on “The technology of light and its application” by Dr Rasoanaivo Andriniaina, Lecturer at ENS

  • 15:00 – 15:45: talk on “Teaching STEM subjects in Madagascar: where are we? Challenges and futures.” by Dr Ratompomalala Harinosy, Lecturer at ENS

  • 10:45 – 16:00: workshops and hands-on activities in optics and STEM fields.

May 16th to June 22nd (noon): photo contest with Foldscope Instruments.

June 22nd: [Closing event] Science Open Day open to the public (Venue to be confirmed).

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