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ITATRA secured an SPIE outreach grant

Writer's picture: ITATRA NGOITATRA NGO

04.04.2022: ITATRA secured an education grant from SPIE to conduct a science outreach in Madagascar in October this year. The science outreach initiative is named VISION. It is the very first activity that we are conducting.

Through this event, we plan to visit three schools and the outreach event consists of two days of activities per school. Our primary goal for the VISION first edition is to help the target students to “see and understand the world around us through a lens”.

We will develop low-cost materials to explain physical phenomena and illustrate the lesson taught in class. The materials are based on the school curriculum. The disciplines that we will cover for 2022 regroup chemistry, renewable energy, nature conservation and optics, which we will give more emphasis. There will also be a quiz session during the event to challenge and test the acquired knowledge of the students, and specifically to increase their interest in pursuing further study in the scientific fields. There will be a competition for a small prize during the quiz session. The quiz session has two phases. The first phase is during the first day of the event and the final phase is during the second day.

Save the date: 17-18 October 2022 at Ambohitseheno High School

20-21 October 2022 at Mahitsy High School

25-26 October 2022 at Fenoarivo-Be High School

As part of the VISION event, we would like to give foldscope paper microscopes to each school. The goal is to give one foldscope per student. We aim to buy 1050 foldscopes in total. We can only do this with your help and donations. Donate today to give a child a glimpse of how fun science can be. Please click here for more details.

Stay tuned for more details coming soon!

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