This page details the materials developed under the organization projects and all the resources that are released freely to the public. It will be updated from time to time as we progress with our activities, collaboration and research.
Date: 28/09/2023
We are currently collecting obsolete materials in the field of optics. Our plan is to make use of any unused or no longer in use optical related materials such as microscope, lenses, camera, optical devices, optical filter, prism, etc. The goal is to combine them into OpenUC2 cube and transform them to an easy to use materials for teaching optics in Madagascar. Any other donations of educational materials in the field of STEM are also welcome.
Materials can be collected or dropped at the two locations that are given below:
Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology
Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena
Contact person: Benedict Diederich
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Francis Crick Ave, Trumpington,
Cambridge CB2 0QH
United Kingdom
Contact person: Dina Ratsimandresy