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Cette page sera bientôt mise à jour pour vous donner des informations sur les différentes façons de vous impliquer ou si vous souhaitez vous joindre à notre équipe. En attendant, veuillez visitericipour en savoir plus sur notre projet actuel et l'une des nombreuses façons dont vous pouvezsoutenez-nousà travers ce projet. 

How can you support our cause?

Donate materials

Any obsolete materials in your laboratory can still be useful to advance the research or improve the delivery of a quality education in Madagascar. Click the button below to have more information on what type of materials we are currently collecting and learn more how you can help us.

Assist financially

ITATRA is a non-profit organization. We are still relying on successful grant applications and donations to run the projects that we have set to meet our goal for a better and equal education for all, mainly in Madagascar. Any financial assistance can help us to cover the running cost of those projects.

Join us

We believe human resources are the most valuable assets of an organization. Join us in this journey, share with us your expertise, your idea, your time.

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